in the Public Realm
Genius, 2002
Artworks: Sculpture

Ralph Helmick, Stuart Schechter
New York City Department of Education Public Art for Public Schools
Cast bronze, stainless steel, cable
  • Installed, 2002
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Hanging within the main entrance of the new Leon Goldstein High School for the Sciences floats a sculptural meditation on the nature of profound discovery. The central image is a Great Horned Owl in flight, created by hundreds of precisely fixed and suspended cast bronze elements. The owl, emblematic of wisdom, is formed by a dense array of symbols culled from language and science. Like a comet, the form becomes visually more porous as it moves toward the tail, and eventually dissolves into a pa...
Courtesy of the City of New York Department of Cultural Affairs Percent for Art Program
map not available at this time.
Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences
2001 Oriental Blvd.
Brooklyn, NY 11235
United States

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